We have established school links with several primary and secondary schools setting up breakfast clubs, curriculum time and after school sessions. Through these partnerships we have been able to work with a large number of young people.

There are documented benefits to pupils who have access to sport links in school:
- Improved opportunities to access sport in their local community
- Move confidently between school and club opportunity to develop coaching and leadership skills
- Exposure to a more diverse range of sporting programmes
- Having their talents and interests nurtured outside of school
"A positive experience of sport and physical activity at a young age can contribute to a lifetime of participation… We need to ensure the sport and physical activity "offer" is right for children and young people. This is particularly true for under-represented groups, such as girls and disabled children, where drop-out rates in childhood are high.”
- Sporting Future: A New Strategy for an Active Nation.
the number of children in Year 6 were measured as obese or overweight.

The tennis sessions are a wonderful opportunity for students who come from an inner urban background, to experience a sport, that most, have never encountered by professionally trained coaches. We feel extremely lucky to have had Tennis For All provide coaching for our Year 5 students these past 3 years.