
We offer the LTA Assistant (Level 1) tennis qualification and the Junior Tennis Leaders award. The courses below will provide participants with the opportunity to obtain nationally recognized, accredited sports coaching qualifications that are your first steps towards a new vocation.

A tennis leader is someone that is able to support the coaching team with the day to day running of the tennis venue and coaching programme.
Tennis Leaders is an exciting programme which can help young people develop their leadership skills. Designed for young people aged 13 to 16 the content will equip them with the skills and knowledge to help with the running of mini tennis sessions. It is also a great starting point for anyone keen to take the LTA Assistant (Level 1) course in the future.

Become a


Become a

A tennis leader is someone that is able to support the coaching team with the day to day running of the tennis venue and coaching programme.
Tennis Leaders is an exciting programme which can help young people develop their leadership skills. Designed for young people aged 13 to 16 the content will equip them with the skills and knowledge to help with the running of mini tennis sessions. It is also a great starting point for anyone keen to take the LTA Assistant (Level 1) course in the future.

Need to know

  • Nationally recognized qualifications
  • Free spaces available
  • Support with volunteer placements
  • Opportunities to join our team

Enquire here

    Qulification interest (required)

    Borough of residence (required)